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(Standard Offers Limited Resources with Paid Alternatives)

CompanyIndustryTransaction Sets Used
H M Bay
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Acknowledgement
Hagemeyer North America
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Acknowledgement
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Acknowledgement
Hamilton Standard
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Acknowledgement
Hancock Fabrics
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 860 Purchase Order Change Request, 997 Acknowledgement, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Handy Hardware
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advaneced Ship Notice, 997 Functional Acknowledgement
Hanes Brands
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Acknowledgement
Hannaford Brothers
Supply Chain, Finance, Communications & Controls
875 Grocery Products Purchase Order, 880 Grocery Products Invoice, 997 Functional Acknowledgment
Harley Davidson
Finance, Supply Chain, Transportation
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Harmon Drug
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 816 Organizational Relationships, 820 Remittance Advice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 860 Purchase Order Change Request, 864 Text Message, 997 Functional Acknowledgment, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Harris Tea
Supply Chain
852 Product Activity Data, 940 Warehouse Shipping Order, 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice, 977 Acknowledgment
Harris Teeter
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Ship Notice/Manifest, 875 Grocery Products Purchase Order, 876 Grocery Products Purchase Order Change, 880 Grocery Products Invoice, 997 Acknowledgment, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Haverty Furniture
Supply Chain
850 Purchase Order, 860 Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated
HAVI Global Solutions
Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice, 852 Product Activity Data, 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment, 856 Ship Notice/Manifest, 997 Acknowledgment, GS1-128 (UCC 128) labels
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 997 Acknowledgement, GS1-128 (UCC 128) labels
HD Smith
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Acknowledgement
HD Supply
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 855 Purchase Order Response, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 997 Functional Acknowledgement
Health First
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 855 Purchase Order Response, 997 Functional Acknowledgement
Helen of Troy
Supply Chain, Finance, Communications & Controls
850 Purchase Order, 810 Invoice, 997 Functional Acknowledgment
Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
850 Purchase Order, 855 Purchase Order Response, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 860 Purchase Order Change Request, 865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request - Seller Intiated, 997 Acknowledgement, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels, Branded packing slips for drop shipments

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